Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Honors Thesis




During the summer of 20 10 I had the opportunity to work as a news intern at WTHR- TV. This experience not only provided me with extremely valuable professional experience, but it also introduced me to one of the most common elements of local television news: the live shot. During my internship I would accompany reporters into the field and assist them in the news gathering process, a process that was often cut short to ensure that the reporter and videographer had an adequate amount of time to return to the news station to put together their story and then travel to a location relevant to their story for a live shot. At times, this meant that reporters had less time to gather background information about their story, speak with sources, and it even affected the amount of time they could spend writing their story. After witnessing the negative impact that live shots often have on the news gathering process, I became interested in investigating whether or not live technology capabilities are driving story-selection in newsrooms today.
