
Word Ways


Darryl Francis


For some while now, we have been building a file of new and nonce words that we come across in print. Our file currently runs from AGNEWISM to ZEDABETICAL. When we light on a word that we suspect is not in any dictionary, we first check it against various dictionaries, and then if our suspicion was correct we generate an entry in our file for the word concerned. Our file consists of filing cards measuring 5 inches by 3 inches, and on each is the word concerned, the source from which we took it, and the sentence in which the word occurred. The words are culled mainly from newspapers and newsmagazines, though there are quite a number from books and specialist magazines. The file is not exhaustive, and, as a one-man operation, it never could be. Neither is it particularly authoritative or scholarly -- our sources are too few and too arbitrarily selected for one thing, and the amount of information that we record about each word is too scanty for another. Even so, we would like to think that our file contains a large number of interesting words.
