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Transportation Research Procedia

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In the last decades there has been great concern about sustainability, especially in companies, where the concept of sustainable development is no longer a trend, but a reality. In the logistics field it should not be any different, since it´s importance to the movement of goods and people. This movement is carried out by four transportation modals, road, air, rail and river. The road transportation is widely used in relation to the others, bringing some problems in large urban centers like traffic jams, climate change, pollution, high CO2 emissions, among others. Thus, it is currently a great challenge to make the logistics greener, balancing logistic modals, reducing freight transport by road and shift to other modals. The inland waterway transport in this context stands out, since it is the most sustainable transportation in logistics, besides having lower costs. Based on this information, this study aims to discover the main challenges and opportunities for the development of river logistics as a sustainable alternative. Using a systemic approach the research analyzed articles of the river logistics field from the last five years. It was possible to identify the main challenges and opportunities in the articles, guide surveys to fill the main gaps, and shows a discussion to better understand the situation considering what actions are being taken and what are needed for the river logistics development.


Originally published by Elsevier under a Creative Commons 4.0 in Transportation Research Procedia, 2019, Volume 39, 576 - 686. DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2019.06.059.
