
Life skills in action: Promoting exchange and transfer through the skilz bank

Document Type


Publication Date

January 2016

Publication Title

ACHPER Active and Healthy Magazine

First Page


Last Page



Whether working in the community or in schools, helping young people develop transferable life skills in physical activity settingsposes challenges (Hellison, 2011). For young people, recognising and naming these life skills is one step toward ownership;transferring this knowledge to life outside of school or youth programs is a more complex process. This article describes howone TPSR-based program (Hellison, 2011) embeds into its daily format a routine that ensures that students participate in anon-going reflective loop. This process asks students to consider which life skills they are transferring between the programand other contexts. The ‘Three Point Line’ is a site of guided talk and written reflections about the use of transferable life skills,helping participants take ownership of the skills of personal and social responsibility.
