OvidOvid publishes writing from Butler University's First Year Seminar students and shares exemplary work produced in FYS courses. We aim to empower students' understanding of writing. We hope that this resource serves as a learning tool in classrooms and in the community at large.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Ovid’s FYE Letter Contest – Open to all sophomore students
Deadline: October 11, 2024
Submit Here!
As a Butler University first-year student what did you wish you knew? What did you think you knew? Further, what does an incoming first-year student need to know? What places should they go? What should they do? What don’t they know they need to hear and why?
You are invited to write a letter to a first-year student sharing your experiences and advice. You might focus on university life and social expectations. You could address academic challenges and mental and physical wellness. Share best practices and any secret you can spare.
Considering your own experiences, reflect on how reality meets expectation. Consider challenges you encountered and how you positioned yourself for success. What questions drove you, what answers found you? Who are you now, as you reflect on who you were at the start of your first year?
Letters should be personal and sincere and can be creative in form and structure.
Writing should demonstrate focus, development, voice, and creativity. Avoid cliché and be specific. Above all, be honest.
The winning essay and runners-up will be published in Ovid 2024-25, and authors will be recognized with a reading in their honor Thursday, October 24th.
The top three essays will receive Amazon wish lists in the amount of $200, $100, and $50.
Students should submit work by Friday, October 11, to the Submissions page.
Front Matter
The Mall Staff Staff
Faces in the Mirror
Rebecca Dingwell
What Was I Made For?
Maythazin Minthu
From the Pit
Emily Henderson
Percussive Passion
Marek Magnus
Behind Charcoal Eyes
Kristi Tingwald
Thanks, Mom, For My Friends
Leah Foster
My Delights
Anna Shabowski
Like Tradition
Ava Like
Haylee Florkey
The Call of Masculinity
Haylee Florkey
Coraline and Child Safety Concerns
Dawson Wagner
Family, Legacy, and Death: A Meditation on Westworld
Henry Woodward
To Suffer is to be Human
Kiana Fleming
Joker: The Stereotypical Mentally Disabled Villain
Molly Edwards
Section 504 for a Collective Affinity
Lucas Bornman
The Layers of Indiana’s Public Libraries
Dana Frohberg
Golden Girl
Abby Acierto
One Good Thing
Julia Skiba
Emily Henderson
First Place - Letter to Butler
Hanna Konicki
Second Place - Painting Uncertainty
Anjali Rabindran
Third Place - Finding You
Jennifer May
The Mall: Writing from Butler University's First Year Seminar 2023-2024
The Mall Staff Staff