The Borderlands

Krista Marie Ramsay


This is the goal towards which I am striving in The Borderlandy; to give uncommon attention to the common, to show the beauty and interconnectedness in the banalities of life. It is the motion of a relative's hand in "Home", the steamer truck in "Grandfather's House," and a squirrel preparing for winter in "Totentanz." These are the images that intrigue me, that make me want to delve deep, to find the emotional weight, to find what makes these images stick. It is my hope that these poems inspire you, the reader, to be wholly present, to give perfect attendance to the people, objects, and situations within, and that after the final 4 page, when it is time for you to "begin the next measure," you will take some small part of it with you; a blue hairbrush, a house spider, a craw's black feather found deep within the woods.