
Word Ways


Philip M. Cohen


Three Word Ways articles have been written by Dmitri Borgmann (February and May 1977) and Pamela Brang (August 1977) to support the proposition that 'all words are interesting' from a logological standpoint. As noted in the May and August Colloquies, the results left something to be desired. For example, Borgmann's efforts included two transposals and a substitute-letter transposal to nonexistent words or names; a reference to a 'dictionary combination' (a sequence of words occurring somewhere in the text of a dictionary, no more worth mention than any sequence from any other text); and a reference to a different word ('subcontinent' was identified as the noun base of 'subcontinental' which is interesting because it contains AEIOU in reverse order, but isn't the object to find a property of 'subcontinent' itself?).
