"38 Self-Descriptive Number Names" by A. Ross Eckler

Word Ways


A. Ross Eckler


If one sets A = 1, B = 2, .... Z = 26, the number-name ONE scores 15 + 14 + 5 = 34, the number-name TWO scores 20 + 23 + 15 = 58, and so on. In the August 1981 Word Ways, Edward Wolpow observed that no number-name is self-descriptive; that is, no number-name is equal to its score. (However TWO HUNDRED NINETEEN has a score of 218, and TWO HUNDRED FIFTY-THREE, 254.) In the November 1989 Kickshaws, David Morice suggested that this melancholy state of affairs could be rectified by rearranging the alphabet; for example, if the alphabet began ISX..., then SIX would score 6. He posed several problem including the following: what alphabet rearrangement yields the maximum number of self-descriptive number-names?
