"“If You Want To Do It, You Will Have the Time”: Combining Family, Work" by Stephanie Medley-Rath
Journal of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences

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This research explores how the scrapbook industry sells and promotes time-saving strategies and resources to both time-starved and time-affluent scrapbookers, through in-depth interviews with 38 scrapbookers and 11 industry workers. Industry workers argue that if people want to scrapbook, then people will make the time. Both industry workers and hobbyists note that life is busy, but they offer conflicting perspectives on fitting scrapbooking (i.e., leisure time) into their lives. In particular, the frequency and duration of scrapbooking increase through when access is gained to permanent leisure space or to social supports that enable the scrapbooker (usually a woman) to scrapbook outside the home (i.e., a crop). Centering the subject of scrapbooks on family life frames scrapbooking as fulfilling gender roles, enabling women to justify their participation in the hobby to themselves and to others. Others pursue industry work as a means of extending their hobby participation. Industry workers, in particular, regularly combine, break apart, and reconfigure their work, leisure, and family foci.
