
Aims & Scope

Booth is now reading submissions. Send us something good.

Submission FAQs:

Q: What kind of stuff can I send?
A: Poetry, fiction, nonfiction, comics, lists. Especially the last three. We want more of those.

Q: Simultaneous submissions okay?
A: You bet. But you should know that if your work is accepted elsewhere and you don’t bother to withdraw it from our submission manager, your name goes on the Secret Blackball Wiki shared by every lit mag editor on the planet.

Q: How about multiple submissions? I’ll send you my whole collection, and you guys can pick which villanelle you like.
A: With poems, you can send up to 5. With everything else, just send one thing at a time, please. If we kick it back, you can send us something else right away.

Q: If accepted, will my work go into the print issue?
A: Maybe. We publish 50 pieces a year online. Twice a year we design and release print issues, which are curated from material that appeared on the web + a few extra solicited pieces.

Q: Do you take submissions during the summer?
A: We accept work from September through March. Once May hits, we put our brains in the chest freezer so we can pursue other interests.*

Q: How much can I submit?
A: Depends on the category.
Poetry: up to 5 poems
Fiction or Creative Nonfiction: up to 7,500 words
Comics: up to 20 pages, JPEG, width: 850-900px, Landscape preferred

Q: Is it cool if I just send you an email with my work, or mail you a hard copy?
A: Sorry, no. We have a workflow.

* editors’ other interests include, but are not limited to: SuperMario Bros., Sun King beer, wiffle ball, The Wire, and fat paperbacks semi-waterlogged from reading at the pool.