"Winesburg, Indiana: Inspector 4" by Michael Martone

Winesburg, Indiana: Inspector 4


Michael Martone


I am in quality control. I am quality control. I control quality here at the Pink Pearl factory. My job is to write out something, anything,on this piece of paper, and, then, test the eraser, a random nub from the lot, and erase, erasing every word. So, I use my test, this simulation, to write to you. I write this to you who worry that there will be evidence, a record, of our secret. “I just don’t want anybody hurt,” you write to me. “Destroy this,” you write at the end of the note where you wrote “I just don’t want anybody hurt.” I’m an expert,making language disappear.

Cover Page Footnote

Note: "This story is exclusively available in the anthology, Winesburg, Indiana, published by Breakaway Books, an imprint of Indiana University Press, in the spring of 2015. Available wherever fine books are sold, borrowed, or used as dowry."
