Butler University Botanical Studies
Volume 3Articles
Index V.3, 1933 - 1936
Ray C. Friesner
The Genus Solidago in Northeastern North America
Ray C. Friesner
Climax Conditions and the Ecological Status of Pinus Strobus, Taxus Canadensis and Tsuga Canadensis in the Pine Hills Region of Indiana
Ray C. Friesner and John E. Polzger
Some Comparisons Between Virgin Forest and Adjacent Areas of Secondary Succession
John E. Polzger and Ray C. Friesner
Additions to the Algal Flora of Indiana
Charlene Coffing
Algae of Steuben County, Indiana
C. M. Palmer
The Shrubs of Indiana in Their Local and General Distribution by Physiographic Divisions
Lettie P. Trefz
The Effect of Interrupted Translocation Upon Loss of Chlorophyll in Leaves During Autumn Coloration
Agatha Griffin
A New Method for Separation of Fossil Pollen From Peat
Florence Geisler
The Chromosome Relations of Solidago Rigida
Noe L. Higinbotham
The Effect of Precipitation and Temperature on Annualr Ring Growth in Four Species of Quercus
Arnold Kleine, Johne E. Potzger, and Ray C. Friesner
Soil Moisture and the Nature of the Tsuga and Tsuga-Pinus Forest Associations in Indiana
Ray C. Friesner and John E. Potzger
Book Reviews 147-148
Ray C. Friesner