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In this podcast Clare and Bob take us through their respective journeys that led to their groundbreaking work with Dr. Deming in the famous 1980 NBC documentary/white paper, “If Japan Can Why Can’t We?” and the subsequent powerful 32 volume “Deming Library” which is still in widespread use. From their early memories of meeting Dr. Deming to the impact it had on their lives, we experience their frustration with American management 34 years later, as well as their hope for the future. They discuss the need for us to no longer be, “unconscious prisoners of our culture” and the importance of valuing individual differences, how people learn and how we can improve the processes we use in our work. Clare discusses the critical important concept she learned from Dr. Deming of “managing instead of controlling”.
Their passion for continual learning continues to this day as they write, speak and contribute to the Deming message. Their journey is a fascinating one of great significance and it looks to continue in 2015 with a new book from Clare titled, “The New Wisdom”.
Publication Date
The W. Edwards Deming Institute
Business | Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods
Recommended Citation
Babbitt, Tripp; Mason, Clare Crawford; and Mason, Bob, "Clare-Crawford Mason and Bob Mason: Introducing Dr. Deming to the Western World" (2014). The W. Edwards Deming Institute Podcast. 8.

This podcast was originally published by The W. Edwards Deming Institute Podcast.