The Liberation and Oppression of World War II America
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The United States framed their involvement in WWII as a way to liberate those being targeted and killed by the Nazi regime. However, while fighting for the liberation of those abroad, the United States was forced to face that the practices and attitudes within their own country were not so different than the ones they were working to defeat. The employment of internment camps as a way to isolate Japanese Americans and the pervasive segregation accompanied by the enforcement of Jim Crow laws shed light on the oppression in America. The discrepancy between American ideals and policy with the action of governmental bodies and American citizens highlights the hypocrisy that defined the WWII era and led to the beginning of the Civil Rights movement.
Publication Date
Spring 2018
Name of Professor
Ania Spyra
ghs210, freedom, movement, global perspectives
Digital Humanities | History
Recommended Citation
Deckard, Jarod; Fountain, Crystal; Gaa, Stephen; and Irwin, Courtney, "The Liberation and Oppression of World War II America" (2018). Spring 2018 Projects. 2.