Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

G. M. Waller


This thesis is an unbiased attempt to look a Senator Albert Jeremiah Beveridge, a man who made history in his own time in his own way. Moreover, this thesis attempt to objectively present Senator Beveridge in the context of the era in which he lived as a generating force in America's colonial adventure at the turn of the century.

Senator Albert J. Beveridge, a Hamiltonian nationalist by inheritance, believed in a strong central government. Furthermore, he believed that the end of government should be the gaining of power and material forces, redeeming the redeemable nations of the world and subjugating the inferior races under American law and American institutions, religious, political, social and economic.

Reviving the spirit of manifest destiny at the close of the last century, after it had waned during the Civil War era, Albert Beveridge and other expansionists plunged deeply into the fight to build an American colonial empire.
