"A Study of the Expectations of the Relevant Publics in Establishing a " by Richard D. Huey

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Education Specialist (EdS)




The Western Boone County Community School Corporation, Thorntown, Indiana, in opening a new high school is concerned with instituting a guidance and counseling service to meet the needs of its students effectively. In instituting these services, it seems imperative to survey the people served in the guidance and counseling program, namely, the students, parents, teachers, administrators, and Board of Education, to discover the relative importance these publics ascribe to the various activities a counselor should be involved with in the school. Its usefulness will depend upon the extent to which the program will use the survey's results in conjunction with the expertise of the school counselor. The writer is certain that the guidance and counseling administrator will find the study an excellent device for finding the concerns of the different people involved as a step in the final construction of the comprehensive guidance and counseling program for the new high school.
