"On The Presence of Christ" by William A. Peacock

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Music (MM)



First Advisor

Michael Schelle


On the Presence of Christ is a musical work for septet (three strings, three winds, percussion) exploring Christ’s presence throughout all time as described in Scripture, wherein the individual movements are thematically grounded and arranged from ancient past to coming future. “In the Beginning” is based on Genesis 1:1-2 and John 1:1-5; “At the Throne” is based on Revelation 4:2-11; and “With His Saints Forever” is based in Revelation 21:1-5a and 22-23. I use these chosen Scriptures to guide my musical exploration, allowing my reflections and perspectives on them to give this music its substance and form My hope is that this works points beyond my limited perspective concerning these Scriptures, and even the Scriptures themselves, to their divine source, and the goodness, beauty, and truth therein.

Included in

Composition Commons
