"NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND (2007)" by Michael Schelle

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For voice and mixed chamber ensemble. An homage to the failed eduction policies of the Bush administration. Ideally performed in a public school classroom, the entire ensemble sits in a very scrunched claustrophobic circle on the floor, w/ the voice (teacher) and percussionist in the middle. Everyone is SO physically close that when they play they bump into / crash into each other - finding it physically challenging to even play their own part(s) not to mention problems concentrating - and paying attention the 'teacher' - because of so much over-crowding, confusing standardized testing (contradictory musical performance instructions) and claustrophobic music at its Bush administration best. The majority of the score is notated but there are sections of directed improv within clear guidelines / instructions, etc. Near the end, one by one, the players get up and depart, playing as they walk away . . . JCA Composers Orchestra October 2007


Copyright © Michael Schelle, all rights reserved.

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