Document Type
A gap in education outcomes exists in Indiana for female and male students. The gap in educational outcomes can be seen in the standardized tests that are a requirement for students to take as a part of their education. In Indiana, students in K–12 education are required to take the ISTEP+ exam in grades 3–8, and in grade 10 as a graduation requirement. Indiana had 292 school districts or corporations, which were used in this analysis to determine the gap in educational outcomes. The 2011 and 2012 ISTEP+ exam scores were analyzed to determine how SES and race affect male and female performance on the exam for students in all public school corporations or districts in the state of Indiana. In this study, both race (β = –.100, p = .016) and SES (β = –.155, p = .000) negatively affected female student performance, and SES (β = –.266, p = .000) negatively affected male student performance on the ISTEP+ exam.
Recommended Citation
Clark, Jennifer S.
"Educational Inequality in Indiana: The Impact of Socioeconomic Status and Race on ISTEP+ Exam Performance,"
Journal of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences: Vol. 16
, Article 11.
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