Please read through the guidelines and click the button “Submit Your Work” at the bottom of the page to submit your scholarship

At Butler University, we value the intellectual contributions of our faculty members and are committed to showcasing your scholarly work. Our repository serves as a centralized hub for storing, preserving, and promoting the rich diversity of research produced by our faculty. With over 5 million downloads and over 25,000 works posted, Digital Commons @ Butler University is dedicated to making your scholarship accessible in over 237 countries.

Submitting your articles is simple and seamless. Whether it's a groundbreaking study, a conference presentation, or a comprehensive review, we invite you to contribute your work to our repository. By doing so, you'll amplify the visibility of your research, increase citations, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in your field.

Why submit to Digital Commons @ Butler University?
  • Increased discoverability: Reach a global audience of scholars, researchers, and students through Google and Google Scholar.
  • Increase your impact: Receive monthly download and readership reports about your scholarship, which can be used in your annual Faculty Activity Report.
  • Compliance with mandates: Fulfill funding agency requirements and institutional mandates for open access and research dissemination.
  • Copyright compliance: Butler University Libraries ensures copyright compliance when uploading your works.
  • Long-term preservation: Ensure the longevity and accessibility of your work with permanent URLs, and preservation in InDiPres, the Indiana Digital Preservation digital storage repository.

Ready to showcase your scholarly efforts? Simply click the "Submit Your Article" button below to begin the submission process. Our user-friendly interface will guide you through each step, from metadata entry to file upload, ensuring a smooth and efficient submission experience. Once we’ve received your submission, the Scholarly Communication Team will review your uploaded article for copyright compliance, embargos, and publisher requirements.

If you are interested in creating a Selected Works profile, please check the box and we’ll create a centralized page for all of your Selected Works!

Please note, each submission will need to be an individual piece of scholarship. For example, each article, presentation, or white paper needs to be uploaded individually.

If you have any questions regarding your submission or the upload process, please contact

The submission process consists of the following steps:

  1. Read and accept the Article Submission Agreement.
  2. Provide information about yourself.
  3. Provide information about any co-authors.
  4. Upload your article and related items.
