Correlates of Social Anxiety, Religion, and Facebook

Lee Farquhar, Butler University
Theresa Davidson, Samford University

This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Media and Religion on Nov. 18, 2014, available online:


This study examined how religiosity, network homophily, and self-monitoring relate to social and Facebook-specific anxiety, role conflict, and Facebook Intensity. Correlation analyses indicate a connection between Facebook use and anxiety, as well as a link between religiosity and anxiety. We found that Role Conflict correlates with Facebook Intensity, Facebook specific Anxiety, and Social Anxiety. Regarding religiosity, those who prefer aliteral interpretation of the Bible, attend church more frequently, and pray more often have higher anxiety. Facebookers who are higher self-monitors have a less homophilous Facebook network and are less likely to identifytheir religious views on Facebook.