Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Music (MM)



First Advisor

Michael Schelle

Second Advisor

Trae Blanco

Third Advisor

Frank Felice


This is a score and analysis of Charting the Stars: Hypatia of Alexandria which is for Solo Violin and Chamber Winds. This piece is a single movement tone poem representing Hypatia of Alexandria’s life. The piece has six sections, and each represents a different part of Hypatia’s life, leading to her violent murder. The first section represents Hypatia’s childhood learning. The second section represents Hypatia growing into a respected philosopher. Next represented is Hypatia’s connection to Neoplatonism, followed by a section that represents Hypatia’s life as a public philosopher and political advisor. The fifth section shows political and religious conflict in Alexandria, and the final section represents Hypatia’s public and brutal murder. . The historical story and details of Hypatia’s life are very important to the piece. The musical structure and aesthetics are chosen to reflect the narrative throughout. The analytical paper that accompanies the score discusses how these events are represented in the musical score. This piece was commissioned by the Brandywine Wind of Greenfield, Indiana, and there is also a reflection of the Brandywine Wind rehearsal and performance after the analysis.

Included in

Music Commons
