Below you’ll find the projects that we’re complete for the section of GHS 210 that was taught by Charlene Fletcher.
Stay Woke: Effects of the Criminal Justice System
Olivia Allen, Stevie Sedlacko, and Mariah Zollinger
This project describes what makes the Indiana Justice System different from other state Justice Systems.
Payday Loans in the United States
Gabrielle Amstutz, Usman Gil Ivern, and Julia Calvert
This project explores the statistics, history, and consequences of the payday loan industry.
Freedom and Communication
Ryan Barrett, Madi Dornseif, Libbie Rammage, Kinsey Paulson, Graeme Wright, and Kailynn Steele
This project explores different aspects of media and communication in relation to freedom.
Accessing Arts Education
Hope Blackburn, Emily Horowitz, Kayla DeGaray, and Rebecca Levin
This project examines the factors that contribute to lack of access to arts education, mainly looking at access to dance programs in the United States.
Freedom of Communication
Brooke Blevins, Jacob Price, Addison Cazier, Mary Mueller, and Jacob Marcheschi
This project examines different elements of communication and how they relate to freedom.
Gender Dynamics in Dance
Gen Bolton, Alex Lindsey, Isabelle Ramey, and Rebecca Tschan
This project explores gender roles and their impact on freedom in dance.
Economic Inequality: A Blog About Economic Inequality in North America
Colin Cornacchia, Brady Murphy, Colin Theye, and Daniela Silber
This project takes on a blog format to illustrate economic inequality in North America.
Healthcare and Freedom
Zach Hanquier, Delaney Cordell, Courtney Morgan, and Lizzy Ratz
This project covers information regarding the global trends in healthcare, quality, and accessibility of available public and private healthcare in first and third world countries, as well as the impact healthcare decisions make on personal freedom and societal health and safety.
Gender Labor Inequality
Nick Lucas, Nick Henek, Addie Gorgoni, and Navneet Kaur
This project examines moments of gender inequality during the Gilded Age, Progressive Era, Great Depression, The Regan Presidency, and the Great Recession.
Freedom and Healthcare
Ally Miller, Jeremy Cleary, Riley Banks, Hannah Abrell, Tim Leblanc, and Elizabeth Hoffman
This project analyzes the healthcare systems of Sweden, the United States, and the Netherlands and how each of these systems has an impact on the freedoms of citizens in each of these countries.
Freedom of the Arts in Education
Krysta Smith, Stephanie Haran, Rachel Klitzing, Jacob Herr, Bailey Hogan, and Jackie Jordan
This project conveys the importance the arts have on individual freedom in education.
Racial Disparities in Healthcare
Jack Battaglia, Sam Howald, Jane Ramsay, and Logan Kesler
Exploring the racial disparities in healthcare over time, this group discusses Henrietta Lacks, the Tuskegee studies, and mental hospitals.
Freedom of Technology
Janssen Keiger, Kayleigh Pletch, Matt Monge, and Alyssa Yaroz
This website follows the journey of advancements in technologies throughout the centuries, starting in the 15th Century. There was plenty of communication that paved the road before the 15th Century, but these decades made a huge impact in the freedom of technology today.
Freedom of Expression and the First Amendment
Brooke Kobren, Michela Semenza, Audrey Lukacz, and Sarah Lewis
This website explores the first amendment in the 21st as interpreted or enacted in education, art, media, and music.
Artifical Intelligence
Brianna Sorenson and Lydia Ochs
This interactive storymap examines the personal and political effects of artificial intelligence (AI).
The Role of Slavery in Business
Derek Sutton, Jeremy Gottlieb, Amanda Kowalski, and Jordan Greer
Examining the enduring presence of slavery in modern business
Prison Labor
Andrew Weisbach, Chad O'Connell, Jake Roberts, and Trenton Newlin
This group explores the history and continuing existence of prison labor.