Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Honors Thesis



First Advisor

Tara Lineweaver


This study investigated the impact of a brief, introductory mindfulness intervention on attention, executive control, and impulsivity. I randomly assigned forty-seven undergraduate students to a treatment group (TG) receiving mindfulness training and a waiting list control group (WLG). Participants completed a battery of self-report questionnaires and standardized neuropsychological tests before and after the intervention. Participants high in trait mindfulness suffered less interference on a Stroop task, were less impulsive on the Balloon Analogue Risk Task, but also evidenced less cognitive flexibility on a dual fluency test at baseline. The TG demonstrated greater improvement than the WLG from baseline to re-test on one cognitive measure (Mental Control). Paradoxically, they also demonstrated a greater increase in impulsivity on the Balloon Analogue Risk Ta k than the WLG. lite its limited effects on attention, executive function, and impulse control, my 2-hour mindfulness intervention successfully motivated college students to engage in the component exercises of meditation, body scanning, and yoga. Perhaps future studies incorporating more extensive training and a longer practice interval will yield larger effects on cognition.
