"#NotAllMen and #MeToo: Investigating Perceptions of Masculine Victimho" by Caitlin Segraves

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Honors Thesis



First Advisor

Dr. Ashley Hutson


Twitter users all over the world use the hashtag, #MeToo, to show support, solidarity, and to share their own stories of sexual harassment and/or violence. #MeToo, a movement created by Tarana Burke and promoted by Alyssa Milano’s use of the hashtag reignited a global conversation about the prominence of sexual violence in women’s lives, a topic of discussion in prior feminist movements, as well. #MeToo has brought about a renewed interest in addressing sexual violence and rape culture in the U.S. and abroad. In response to growing reports of sexual violence, men’s rights activists have voiced an increased concern for false allegations of sexual violence. However, much of the existing research on #MeToo has focused on women and trans experiences with sexual violence, as well as the perceptions of this movement from such perspectives. While theoretical frameworks for masculinity remain less researched, feminist theory offers insight in understanding gender inequalities and differences. This research examines how young adult men on Butler University’s campus have interpreted the #MeToo movement’s emphasis on feminine victimization and masculine aggression. I conducted interviews (n=15) with men, males, and masculine-identifying individuals who were enrolled full-time and recruited primarily through convenience sampling. Inductive analysis is used to code the interview transcripts, specifically utilizing open and axial coding to identify emergent themes. Investigating the perceived impact of this movement on masculinity will extend the framework of masculinity to include the #MeToo era.
