"Consumer Perceptions of Cause-Related Marketing: A Comparison of India" by Kyle Palmer

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Honors Thesis


International Business

First Advisor

Marleen McCormick


The purpose of this study is to analyze consumer perceptions of Cause-Related marketing, as well as perceived level of mercenary intent and the impact of brand/cause fit. Level of mercenary intent is the degree to which consumers believe a company is engaging in Cause-Related Marketing in order to help themselves, or to help the cause. The level of brand/cause fit is the amount of alignment between a company and the cause they are choosing to support. This is a cross cultural study, and the impact of culture will be analyzed between participants from the United States and from India. College students from four different Universities were surveyed using fictional advertisements in order to determine the effect of a Cause-Related Marketing component on their perception of the advertisement as well as the company. Respondents were chosen from the United States and India, as these countries are very different culturally and historically, and have different systems for implementing Corporate Social Responsibility.
