"Is The Ivory Tower Made of Glass?: Examining Work Experiences of Women" by Erin Elizabeth Mahan

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Honors Thesis



First Advisor

Dr. Elise Edwards


The guiding research question for this study is: “What are the structural, cultural, and situational factors that affect women faculty’s experience at Butler University?” While this project focuses broadly on women as an identifying group, it also requires attention to the intersectionality of individuals’ experience as issues such as race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and disabilities are also factors shaping women’s experiences. The information from this study draws attention to the experiences that women faculty have related to their gender and potentially facilitate change starting at Butler University. This paper will discuss the experiences of women faculty at Butler University regarding their gender. It will specifically talk about the gendered issues of tenure, equality of pay, difference in types of work, and familial obligations as these seem to be the most prominent findings from research at Butler.
