Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Honors Thesis


Economics (LAS)

First Advisor

Ronia Hawash

Second Advisor

Larry Lad


The objective of this thesis is to identify a profile of volunteerism in the United States. Time spent in service of others serves as the dependent variable while explanatory variables include years of education, annual family income, sex, age, household size, racial identity, marital status, region, disability, veteran status, location in a metropolitan area, day of the week, employment status, and if the household has children present. By modeling volunteerism through an econometric lens, this thesis will analyze the concept of time spent in service and how it relates to the Midwestern identity among other attributes. Using data from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the study will provide estimates on if residing in the Midwest impacts the hours of volunteerism or time spent in service while examining how this impact differs by education, income level, age, and gender.
