"Feminism's Forgotten Frontier: Why Menstrual Liberation is Necessary f" by Madeline Eileen Eary

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Honors Thesis



First Advisor

Teigha VanHester

Second Advisor

Natalie Carter


This honors thesis proposes a solution to the shame and stigmatization of menstruation in Western Society. I begin this conversation by describing the social position of the menstruating body in society, through the lens of somatophobia, described by Elizabeth Spelman’s article “Woman as Body: Ancient and Contemporary Views”. In response to the article, I propose two theoretical frameworks to address somoatophobic discourse. The first framework, embodied subjectivity, proposes a new way of viewing the body in society based on Hortense Spillers’ “Mama’s Baby, Papa’s Maybe: An American Grammar Book” definitions of subjecthood. My second framework, menstrual liberation, rests upon the pillars of self-definition, liberation, and socialist ideology, presented by the Combahee River Collective Statement, and centers conversations about the body in society around menstruation. After defining these terms, I explain their potential through the lens of Menstruators’ Sense of Self, Menstrual Healthcare, and Mensuration in the Corporate World. In these sections, I provide readers with real-world embodiments of menstrual liberation.
