Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Honors Thesis



First Advisor

Philip Villani

Second Advisor

Benjamin Spears


In many members of the plant kingdom, axillary meristem outgrowth occurs once the apical meristem is removed. These lateral outgrowths occur subapical to the stem tip and serve to reestablish stem growth. However, little is known about this process in Mnium cuspidatum and other mosses and bryophytes. This project aims to establish the normal events that occur post-apical meristem decapitation. The influential role of auxin and an auxin inhibitor on axillary meristem establishment were investigated in this thesis. Two-centimeter segments of M. cuspidatum were cut off a cultured specimen and the apical meristem was decapitated. Segments were replated on either standard BCD medium or standard medium inoculated with varying concentrations 2,4-D or TIBA. Growth was observed over a one-week period. 2,4-D did not appear to influence the total number of meristem outgrowths; however, increased concentrations show greater axillary meristem outgrowth lengths as compared to the control. TIBA concentrations decreased the number of axillary meristem outgrowths. M. cuspidatum phyllids were removed from the specimen and plated on a standard BCD medium, allowing them to transition into the protonemal growth stage. After 1-2 weeks of growth, protonemal outgrowths were stained with DAPI and a phalloidin antibody to visualize cytoskeleton restructuring. Stained micrographs show the transition of the meristem from the protomenal to gametophore growth stage. Future directions of research include investigating the role of additional hormones such as cytokinins in the control of growth of M. cuspidatum.
