Physics, Mathematics & Computer Science

Triggered Star Formation in Bubble N56

Document Type

Poster Presentation


Indianapolis, IN

Subject Area

Physics, Mathematics & Computer Science

Start Date

11-4-2014 8:30 AM

End Date

11-4-2014 9:30 AM


Bubble N56 presents a dark region on the galactic north-eastern side of the bubble which suggests Triggered Star Formation. The collected data recently taken by the Herschel Space Telescope was analyzed where 5 clumps of diffuse gas were found. The flux of each clump was measured in the six wavelengths which were fit according to the largest wavelength. The fluxes were fit in a modified blackbody curve which predicted the temperature and mass of each clump. In addition, 14 young stellar objects (YSOs) were found by using the 2MASS and GLIMPSE surveys. A total of 12 YSOs were determined to be on Stage II while 2 were found to be on Stage I. The analyzed data suggests the existence of Trigged Star Formation in the region but does not associate all YSOs to this phenomenon.

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Apr 11th, 8:30 AM Apr 11th, 9:30 AM

Triggered Star Formation in Bubble N56

Indianapolis, IN

Bubble N56 presents a dark region on the galactic north-eastern side of the bubble which suggests Triggered Star Formation. The collected data recently taken by the Herschel Space Telescope was analyzed where 5 clumps of diffuse gas were found. The flux of each clump was measured in the six wavelengths which were fit according to the largest wavelength. The fluxes were fit in a modified blackbody curve which predicted the temperature and mass of each clump. In addition, 14 young stellar objects (YSOs) were found by using the 2MASS and GLIMPSE surveys. A total of 12 YSOs were determined to be on Stage II while 2 were found to be on Stage I. The analyzed data suggests the existence of Trigged Star Formation in the region but does not associate all YSOs to this phenomenon.