Art History

Event Title


Presenter Information

Brighid Smith, Butler University

Document Type

Oral Presentation


Indianapolis, IN

Subject Area

Art History

Start Date

13-4-2018 2:15 PM

End Date

13-4-2018 2:45 PM


I’m interested in the relationship between fine art and high fashion. Streetwear is an admired phenomenon in pop culture that I believe truly bridges fashion and art. I love the idea that the clothing you wear is a true reflection of who you are. It allows individuals to express their personalities, beliefs, and ideas through a physical tangible entity. As an artist, I enjoy expressing myself visually. My works are very personal; often times I’d rather keep them private than expose them to the world. By bridging my fine art pieces with a high fashion streetwear brand, I hope to share my inner most thoughts and passions with the world through clothing in order to create a body of work that is a true reflection of me. A reflection of my thoughts, emotions, successes and failures. I hope to invest time in the Indianapolis street culture and gain insights about the trends that influence the midwest.

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Apr 13th, 2:15 PM Apr 13th, 2:45 PM


Indianapolis, IN

I’m interested in the relationship between fine art and high fashion. Streetwear is an admired phenomenon in pop culture that I believe truly bridges fashion and art. I love the idea that the clothing you wear is a true reflection of who you are. It allows individuals to express their personalities, beliefs, and ideas through a physical tangible entity. As an artist, I enjoy expressing myself visually. My works are very personal; often times I’d rather keep them private than expose them to the world. By bridging my fine art pieces with a high fashion streetwear brand, I hope to share my inner most thoughts and passions with the world through clothing in order to create a body of work that is a true reflection of me. A reflection of my thoughts, emotions, successes and failures. I hope to invest time in the Indianapolis street culture and gain insights about the trends that influence the midwest.