Development of Skeletal Elements in Lake Sturgeon
Document Type
Poster Presentation
Indianapolis, IN
Start Date
13-4-2018 2:30 PM
End Date
13-4-2018 4:00 PM
Anabela Maia (Eastern Illinois University)
Different fish can be distinguished by their diverse fin shapes. However, not much is known about how these fins develop and diversify. Median fins develop from a complete fin fold present in larvae. Variation in fin shape, size, and placement is believed to be controlled by differential gene expression. The purpose of this research is to identify localized gene activation during fin development of a basal bony fish - the lake sturgeon - compared to the derived zebrafish. Previous research from our lab has shown that caspase-3, a cell death marker, is present in the median fin fold at the edges of these fins. We are now investigating the formation of the skeletal elements that support the fin. Zns-5, an osteoblast precursor, should be expressed where cartilage is being replaced by bone at the base of the fin. A series of Lake Sturgeon larvae spanning the first 20 days post hatch (dph) were photographed under a dissection microscope and analyzed to determine fin formation stages. To determine expression of zns-5, larvae were permeated, a primary antibody for zns-5 was added, followed by a secondary antibody and imaged with immunofluorescence. Our results indicate that all median fin folds are being reabsorbed concurrently starting at 12 dph. The dorsal fin rays start to form at 13 dph followed by rays on the anal and caudal fins at 14 dph. Preliminary data show zns-5 expression at the base of the fins starting at 12dph.
Development of Skeletal Elements in Lake Sturgeon
Indianapolis, IN
Different fish can be distinguished by their diverse fin shapes. However, not much is known about how these fins develop and diversify. Median fins develop from a complete fin fold present in larvae. Variation in fin shape, size, and placement is believed to be controlled by differential gene expression. The purpose of this research is to identify localized gene activation during fin development of a basal bony fish - the lake sturgeon - compared to the derived zebrafish. Previous research from our lab has shown that caspase-3, a cell death marker, is present in the median fin fold at the edges of these fins. We are now investigating the formation of the skeletal elements that support the fin. Zns-5, an osteoblast precursor, should be expressed where cartilage is being replaced by bone at the base of the fin. A series of Lake Sturgeon larvae spanning the first 20 days post hatch (dph) were photographed under a dissection microscope and analyzed to determine fin formation stages. To determine expression of zns-5, larvae were permeated, a primary antibody for zns-5 was added, followed by a secondary antibody and imaged with immunofluorescence. Our results indicate that all median fin folds are being reabsorbed concurrently starting at 12 dph. The dorsal fin rays start to form at 13 dph followed by rays on the anal and caudal fins at 14 dph. Preliminary data show zns-5 expression at the base of the fins starting at 12dph.