Close Reading, Historical Thinking, and Text-Based Writing Using Secondary Sources
Document Type
Oral Presentation
Indianapolis, IN
Subject Area
Start Date
13-4-2018 9:00 AM
End Date
13-4-2018 10:15 AM
John Bickford (Eastern Illinois University)
Much attention is given to analyzing the source—and perspective or bias—of a historical document. Students can also consider the point of view of secondary sources. In doing so, teachers can align historical content with close reading, historical thinking, and text-based writing tasks. This presentation centers on a remarkable First Lady by first detailing how she is represented quite differently in trade books and how to position students to detect point of view using context clues from the divergent narratives.
Close Reading, Historical Thinking, and Text-Based Writing Using Secondary Sources
Indianapolis, IN
Much attention is given to analyzing the source—and perspective or bias—of a historical document. Students can also consider the point of view of secondary sources. In doing so, teachers can align historical content with close reading, historical thinking, and text-based writing tasks. This presentation centers on a remarkable First Lady by first detailing how she is represented quite differently in trade books and how to position students to detect point of view using context clues from the divergent narratives.