Finding Meaning in the Lack Thereof: An Analysis of Nietzsche's and Sartre's Responses to the Problem of Existential Nihilism
Document Type
Oral Presentation
Indianapolis, IN
Subject Area
History & Classics
Start Date
13-4-2018 9:45 AM
End Date
13-4-2018 10:15 AM
David Coleman (Eastern Kentucky University)
There have been countless philosophers who have attempted to create ways that humanity can overcome the threat of existential nihilism and the loss of objective meaning. Two of the most influential philosophers who have attempted to do this are Friedrich Nietzsche and Jean-Paul Sartre. This paper analyzes both of their philosophical solutions to the problem of nihilism, comparing and contrasting their respective viewpoints. While similar in many respects, particularly in their diagnoses of the problems nihilism creates, Nietzsche and Sartre differ on several key aspects: they approach nihilism slightly differently, they have different views about ethics and its relationship to subjectivity, and finally Nietzsche is widely considered to be a determinist while Sartre advocates a radical free will. When comparing their solutions, Sartre has the superior solution because his ethical view is less problematic in terms of radical subjectivity and also allows for a foundation for an ethical consideration for others in the form of a mild universalizing principle. Additionally, Nietzsche’s determinism ultimately contradicts much of his message about the creation of beauty and embracing life, leading to a very pessimistic view of the chances for human flourishing and happiness in each individual person. Sartre, by comparison, has a view of free will that while flawed due to its extremity, does not disrupt his philosophy the way Nietzsche’s view does.
Finding Meaning in the Lack Thereof: An Analysis of Nietzsche's and Sartre's Responses to the Problem of Existential Nihilism
Indianapolis, IN
There have been countless philosophers who have attempted to create ways that humanity can overcome the threat of existential nihilism and the loss of objective meaning. Two of the most influential philosophers who have attempted to do this are Friedrich Nietzsche and Jean-Paul Sartre. This paper analyzes both of their philosophical solutions to the problem of nihilism, comparing and contrasting their respective viewpoints. While similar in many respects, particularly in their diagnoses of the problems nihilism creates, Nietzsche and Sartre differ on several key aspects: they approach nihilism slightly differently, they have different views about ethics and its relationship to subjectivity, and finally Nietzsche is widely considered to be a determinist while Sartre advocates a radical free will. When comparing their solutions, Sartre has the superior solution because his ethical view is less problematic in terms of radical subjectivity and also allows for a foundation for an ethical consideration for others in the form of a mild universalizing principle. Additionally, Nietzsche’s determinism ultimately contradicts much of his message about the creation of beauty and embracing life, leading to a very pessimistic view of the chances for human flourishing and happiness in each individual person. Sartre, by comparison, has a view of free will that while flawed due to its extremity, does not disrupt his philosophy the way Nietzsche’s view does.