"The Physics Research Problem: A Brief Analysis of Financial and Admin" by Varad Dhodapkar

Butler Journal of Undergraduate Research


This paper attempts to view and interpret data from various sources such as the World Bank database, research and development (R&D) reports by the Indian government, Nature Index, Scopus index, and others to examine the effect that the various government financial initiatives and administrative features and policies concerning funding of institutions of higher attainment have had on India’s research output in the field of physics. In addition to this, the inconsistent standards of funding across various institutes of higher education, investment in R&D activities made by other nations in comparison to India, the share of physics research output of various countries in comparison to India, the concentration of government funding amongst certain higher education institutions, and the ineffectual policies relating to scientific research over the past three decades are all touched upon to provide a more comprehensive image of the financial and administrative issues that have contributed to recent trends and slow growth in physics research in India.
