"Improving Reading Comprehension in Dual Language Programs" by Susana E. Franco-Fuenmayor, Brooke Kandel-Cisco et al.

Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 2008

Publication Title

TABE Journal

First Page


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The low achievement levels and high dropout rates of English Language Learners (ELLs) continue to be a great challenge for educators. One area that can provide us with useful information on how to improve the education of ELLs is dual language programs. Research in this area indicates that native language development is important for academic success. The present study examined the cognitive reading strategies of students enrolled in a dual language program. The results indicate that both language groups of students were using successful cognitive reading strategies to comprehend text. The study also describes how the questionnaire used in the study can assist teachers in diagnosing the type(s) of cognitive reading strategies that students use.


This article was originally published in TABE Journal, 2008, Volume 10, Issue 1.
