Liberal Arts & Sciences | College of Liberal Arts & Sciences | Butler University

Here you will find scholarly and other professional works of faculty in the Liberal Arts and Sciences.


Submissions from 2025


GUBIC: The global urban biological invasions compendium for plants, Daijiang Li, Luke J. Potgieter, Myla F. J. Aronson, Irena Axmanová, Benjamin Baiser, Marta Carboni, Laura Celesti-Grapow, Sonja Knapp, Ingolf Kühn, Ana Carolina Lacerda de Matos, Zdeňka Lososová, Flavia A. Montaño-Centellas, Petr Pyšek, David M. Richardson, Lauren B. Trotta, Rafael D. Zenni, Sarel S. Cilliers, Bruce D. Clarkson, Amy J. S. Davis, Rebecca W. Dolan, Marcin M. Dyderski, Franz Essl, Orou G. Gaoue, Joanne Gui, Charly Géron, Gustavo Heringer, Cang Hui, Anzar A. Khuroo, Stefan Klotz, Peter M. Kotanen, Holger Kreft, Frank A. Sorte, Jonas J. Lembrechts, Bernd Lenzner, Christopher A. Lepczyk, Scott MacIvor, Cristina Martínez-Garza, Akira S. Mori, Charles Nilon, Jan Pergl, Stefan J. Siebert, Alyona S. Tretyakova, Toby P. N. Tsang, Kei Uchida, Mark van Kleunen, Montserrat Vilà, Hua-Feng Wang, Patrick Weigelt, Peter Werner, Nicholas S. G. Williams, Marten Winter, and Marc Cadotte


ChatGPT and Biblical Studies, James F. McGrath

Submissions from 2023


New Members, James F. McGrath


Climate Activism and the Working Class, Harry van der Linden


War Emissions, Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, and Just War Theory, Harry van der Linden

Submissions from 2022


Saving the Campus Farm: One Approach to Leveraging Institutional Support for a Campus Farm Space, Julia L. Angstmann


A Food-Themed Cross-Disciplinary Faculty-Staff Learning Community Enriches Place-Based Experiential Learning Curricula - (Instructor Resource), Julia L. Angstmann, Grant A. Fore, Francesca A. Williamson, and Brandon H. Sorge


Global Megachurch Studies: The State, Evolution, and Maturation of a Field, Chad Bauman


Mammals adjust diel activity across gradients of urbanization, Travis Gallo, Mason Fidino, Brian Gerber, Adam A. Ahlers, Julia L. Angstmann, Max Amaya, Amy L. Concilio, David Drake, Danielle Gray, Elizabeth W. Lehrer, Maureen H. Murray, Travis J. Ryan, Colleen Cassady St. Clair, Carmen M. Salsbury, Heather A. Sanders, Theodore Stankowich, Jacque Williamson, J. Amy Belaire, Kelly Simon, and Seth B. Mangle


P/A Forum Symposia Animal Labour A New Frontier of Interspecies Justice?, Jishnu Guha-Majumdar, Diego Rossello, Angie Pepper, Peter Niesen, Will Kymlicka, and Charlotte E. Blattner


Desire, Disgust, and the Perils of Strange Queenship in Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene, Mira Assaf Kafantaris


Bing Xin as the Most Renowned Chinese Translator of Rabindranath Tagore: A Sociological Perspective, Xiaoqing Liu


72 Wisdoms: A practical guide to make life more meaningfu, Jeff Rasley


The Role of Place Attachment and Situated Sustainability Meaning-Making in Enhancing Student Civic-Mindedness: A Campus Farm Example, Brandon H. Sorge, Francesca A. Williamson, Grant A. Fore, and Julia L. Angstmann


Adapting Spanish Classics for the New Millennium: The Nineteenth-Century Novel Remediated, Linda Willem


The Monster Within: Guillermo del Toro’s Nightmare Alley (2021), Linda Willem


Building Capacity for Socio-Ecological Change through the Campus Farm: A Mixed-Methods Study, Francesca A. Williamson, Amber J. Rollings, Grant A. Fore, Julia L. Angstmann, and Brandon H. Sorge


Physical Properties of Radio Stars Based on LAMOST Spectral Survey, Liyun Zhang, Yao Cheng, Xianming Han, Qingfeng Pi, Prabhakar Misra, Baoda Li, and Zhongzhong Zhu

Submissions from 2021


Dandekar, Deepra. The Subhedar’s Son: A Narrative of Brahmin-Christian Conversion from Nineteenth-Century Maharashtra. Religion in Translation Series (American Academy of Religion). New York: Oxford University Press, 2019. xliv+222 pp. $99.00 (cloth)., Chad Bauman


Litigating the Limits of Religion: Minority and Majority Concerns about Institutional Religious Liberty in India, Chad Bauman


FORIS Policy Report | America’s International Religious Freedom Policy Must Account for Competing Local Definitions of Religion and the Common Good, Chad Bauman, Robert Hefner, Timur Kuran, and Thomas Berg


The Routledge Handbook of Hindu-Christian Relations, Chad Bauman and Michelle Vossroberts


Medea Barbarosa?: Marriage, Betrayal, Alterity and the Woman from Colchis, Christopher Bungard and Vivian Deno


Practising Intimate Labour: Birth Doulas Respond during COVID-19, Angela N. Castañeda and Julie Searcy


Constitutive relevance & mutual manipulability revisited, Carl Craver, Stuart Glennan, and Mark Povich


First Report of Yellow-Flowered Teasel, Dipsacus Strigosus Willd. Ex Roem. & Schult. (Dipsacaceae) In Indiana, A North American Record, Rebecca W. Dolan


CoM Apr 2021 - Puzzles and Games for the Blind - Jeremiah Farrell, Jeremiah Farrell


Find Your Own, Bryan Furuness


A Viewer’s Guide to the John W Sweezy Archives, George W. Geib


A Tale of Two Trans Men: Transmasculine Identity and Trauma in Two Fairy-Tale Retellings, Jeana Jorgensen


The Thorns of Trauma: Torture, Aftermath, and Healing in Contemporary Fairy-Tale Literature, Jeana Jorgensen


Androgen-Binding Protein (Abp) Evolutionary History: Has Positive Selection Caused Fixation of Different Paralogs in Different Taxa of the Genus Mus?, Robert C. Karn, Golbahar Yazdanifar, Željka Pezer, Pierre Boursot, and Christina M. Laukaitis


Models of the Sociology Minor at Institutions of Higher Education in the United States, Melinda Messineo and Jay R. Howard


Structure-guided microbial targeting of antistaphylococcal prodrugs, Justin J. Miller, Ishaan T. Shah, Jayda Hatten, Yasaman Barekatain, Elizabeth A. Mueller, Ahmed M. Moustafa, Rachel L. Edwards, Cynthia S. Dowd, Geoffrey C. Hoops, and R Jeremy Johnson


Love-Hate Relationships: The Divergent US Perceptions of Japan and China, Su-Mei Ooi


Elemental Varieties in the Presocratics and Beyond, Tiberiu Popa


America’s Existential Crisis: Our Inherited Obligation to Native Nations, Jeff Rasley


An Experience of Wounded Knee Goshen Redskins and Peace Times, Jeff Rasley


Open Door to Heal America’s Heart, Jeff Rasley


Return to Wounded Knee, Jeff Rasley


Return to Wounded Knee, Jeff Rasley and Jeff Rasley


Writing Climate Change Assessments: Scientific Author Challenges and Rhetorical Negotiations, Carol Reeves and Maura Ross

Submissions from 2020


Anti-Christian Violence in India, Chad Bauman


Critiques of Christianity from Savarkar to Malhotra, Chad Bauman


Privileged Minorities: Syrian Christianity, Gender, and Minority Rights in Postcolonial India. By Sonja Thomas. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2018. 210 pp. ISBN: 9780295743844 (paper). – CORRIGENDUM, Chad Bauman


Religious Freedom and Mass Conversion in India. By Laura Dudley Jenkins, Chad Bauman


Comparative analysis of the human serine hydrolase OVCA2 to the model serine hydrolase homolog FSH1 from S. cerevisiae, Jessica S. Bun, Michael D. Slack, Daniel E. Schemenauer, and R. Jeremy Johnson


COVID-19 and the Birth of the Virtual Doula, Angela Castañeda and Julie Searcy


Affect, Ecofeminism, and Intersectional Struggles in Latin America, Irune del Rio Gabiola


Landscape-scale differences among cities alter common species’ responses to urbanization, Mason Fidino, Travis Gallo, Elizabeth W. Lehrer, Maureen H. Murray, Cria Kay, Heather A. Sander, Brandon MacDougall, Carmen M. Salsbury, Travis J. Ryan, Julia L. Angstmann, J. Amy Belaire, Barbara Dugelby, Chris Schell, Theodore Stankowich, Max Amaya, David Drake, Sheryl H. Hursh, Adam A. Ahlers, Jacque Williamson, Laurel M. Hartley, Amanda J. Zellmer, and Kelly Simon


An Indiana Christmas, Bryan Furuness


Berta vive": Solidaridades transnacionales y luchas interseccionales en Honduras, Irune del Río Gabiola


Corporeal composition, Stuart Glennan


Faith, Doubt, and Reason - Conclusion and Epilogue, Brent Hege


UBC-9 Acts in GABA Neurons to Control Neuromuscular Signaling in C. elegans, Victoria A. Kreyden, Elly B. Mawi, and Jennifer Kowalski


Beyond City and Country at Mycenae: urban and rural practices in a subsistence landscape, Lynne Kvapil, Jacqueline Meier, Gypsy Price, and Kim Shelton


Working Memory in Collegiate Athletes and Non-Athletes: A Comparison of Team-Sports Athletes, Solo-Sports Athletes, Frequent Exercisers and Infrequent Exercisers, Tara T. Lineweaver, Suneeta Kercood, Elyse B. Morgan, Shelby L. Rampone, Colleen C. Frank, and Scott A. McLuckie


A Palimpsestuous Writing: Maxine Hong Kingston's The Woman Warrior, Xiaoqing Liu


Contra Instrumentalism: A Translation Polemic. By Lawrence Venuti. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2019. 211 pages. ISBN 9781496205131, Xiaoqing Liu


Small herbaria contribute unique biogeographic records to county, locality, and temporal scales, Travis D. Marsico, Erica R. Krimmel, J. Richard Carter, Emily L. Gillespie, Phillip D. Lowe, Ross McCauley, Ashley B. Morris, Gil Nelson, Michelle Smith, Diana L. Soteropoulos, and Anna K. Monfils


The Mandaean Book of John: Text and Translation, James F. McGrath and Charles G. Häberl


“I Want to Love Islam, I Really Do, But . . . ”: Islamophilic Classrooms in Islamophobic Times, Nermeen Mouftah


On Poetry and Music, Susan Neville


Reviewed Work(s): Midwestern Strange: Hunting Monsters, Martians, and the Weird in Flyover Country by Hollars, Susan Neville


Aristotle on the Powers of Thermic Equilibrium, Tiberiu Popa


Analytic gradients for state-averaged multiconfiguration pair-density functional theory, Thais R. Scott, Matthew R. Hermes, Andrew M. Sand, Meagan S. Oakley, Donald G. Truhlar, and Laura Gagliardi


Making Space for Mothering: Collaboration as Feminist Practice, Julie Searcy and Angela N. Castañeda


An algorithm and estimates for the Erdős–Selfridge function, Brianna Sorenson, Jonathan Sorenson, and Jonathan Webster


Two Algorithms to Find Primes in Patterns, Jonathan Sorenson and Jonathan Webster


Sriram (2020) - White Nationalism.pdf, Shyam Sriram


African Women's Movements and Struggles over Land, Robin L. Turner


Black Travel and Presence in the Building of South Africa [Book Review], Robin L. Turner


The Green New Deal: Promise and Limitations, Harry van der Linden


Editors’ Introduction: Radical Philosophy and Politics Amid the Climate Crisis and the Coronavirus Pandemic, Harry van der Linden and Reed M. Kurtz


Aitana y Ana: la actriz y su personaje en la adaptación televisiva de La Regenta, Linda Willem

Submissions from 2019


Suspenseful and Insightful: An Interview with Bryan Furuness


A Pedagogical Framework for the Design and Utilization of Place-Based Experiential Learning Curriculum on a Campus Farm, Julia L. Angstmann, Amber J. Rollings, Grant A. Fore, and Brandon H. Sorge


Book Review: *Living without the Dead: Loss and Redemption in a Jungle Cosmos,* by Piers Vitebsky, Chad Bauman


How Sri Lanka's Christians Became a Target, Chad Bauman


Statistical distributions of consonant variants in infant-directed speech: evidence that /t/ may be exceptional, Tonya Bergeson-Dana, Laura Dilley, Jessica Gamache, Yuanyuan Wang, and Derek M. Houston


La Chica Rara, the Flaneuse, and Nationalism in Cristina Fernández Cubas' La flor de España and Pedro Almodóvar's Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios, Terri Carney


Photometric and Spectroscopic Studies of V582 Lyr and V1016 Oph, Yao Cheng, Li-yun Zhang, Xianming L. Han, Liu Long, Hongpeng Lu, Qiang Yue, and Linyan Jiang


Hamiltonicity of claw-free graphs and Fan-type conditions, Zhi-Hong Chen


Constructing invariant subspaces as kernels of commuting matrices, Carl C. Cowen, William Johnston, and Rebecca G. Wahl


Volunteerism, Alcohol Beliefs, and First-Year College Students’ Drinking Behaviors: Implications for Prevention, Lizabeth A. Crawford, Katherine B. Novak, and Rasitha R. Jayasekare


Five-Year Response of Spontaneous Vegetation to Removal of Invasive Amur Bush Honeysuckle Along an Urban Creek, Rebecca W. Dolan and Kelly H. Brown


Do Not Go On, Bryan Furuness


Getting Started: Advice from Five Writers, Bryan Furuness


My Name Was Never Frankenstein And Other Classic Adventure Tales Remixed, Bryan Furuness


"A Flood of Problems" in Michigan: An Urban Environmental History, Nancy M. Germano


Microsatellite markers for the biogeographically enigmatic sandmyrtle (Kalmia buxifolia, Phyllodoceae: Ericaceae), Emily L. Gillespie, Tesa Madsen‐McQueen, Torsten Eriksson, Adam Bailey, and Zack E. Murrell


Byron, Radicals and Reformers, Jason Goldsmith


“In the Exercise of a Sound Discretion, Who, of This Class of Persons, Shall Have a Right to the License…”: Family, Race, and Firearms in Antebellum North Carolina:, Antwain Hunter


The Most Beautiful of All: A Quantitative Approach to Fairy-Tale Femininity, Jeana Jorgensen


Review of Mycenaeans up to date: The archaeology of the north-eastern Peloponnese – current concepts and new directions, Lynne Kvapil


Among the ancestors at Aidonia, Lynne Kvapil and Kim Shelton


Imitation and creation: Bing Xin’s Fanxing (A Maze of Stars) 繁星and Chunshui (Spring Water) 春水, Xiaoqing Liu

Spectroscopic and photometric studies of fourW UMa-type eclipsing binaries, Liu Long, Li-Yun Zhang, Xianming L. Han, Hong-Peng Lu, and Qing-feng Pi


Magnetic Activities of M-type Stars Based on LAMOST DR5 and Kepler and K2 Missions, Hong-peng Lu, Li-yun Zhang, Jianrong Shi, Xianming L. Han1, Dongwei Fan, Liu Long, and Qingfeng Pi


Advancing urban wildlife research through a multi-city collaboration, Seth B. Magle, Mason Fidino, Elizabeth W. Lehrer, Travis Gallo, Matthew P. Mulligan, María Jazmín Ríos, Adam A. Ahlers, Julia L. Angstmann, Amy Belaire, Barbara Dugelby, Ashley Gramza, Laurel Hartley, Brandon MacDougall, Travis J. Ryan, Carmen M. Salsbury, Heather Sander, Christopher Schell, Kelly Simon, Sarah St. Onge, and David Drake