"Moreno-Isla's Unpublished Scene from the "Fortunata y Jacinta" Galleys" by Linda M. Willem

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Anales Galdosianos

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In the current Cátedra edition of Fortunata y Jacinta Francisco Caudet provides a valuable service for Galdosian scholars by supplementing the text -- based on the "La Guirnalda" first edition of 1887 -- with footnotes which quote material that was either discarded or changed at the galley stage. Although Caudet acknowledges his inability to record the thousands of galley revisions that Galdós made, he does propose to cite the more important ones. Surprisingly, however, he does not include one of the few scenes from the galleys which was deleted in its entirety. It occurs in Part IV, Chapter 2, Section v, where Moreno-Isla is trying to decide if he should make a parting visit to the Santa Cruz household before leaving for England. In the published text he defers his decision, but in the galleys he does go to see Don Baldomero, specifically choosing a time when Jacinta is out of the house. This excised segment immediately follows "¡Qué chiquillo me he vuelto!" and would have appeared on page 356 of Caudet's second volume.


Link leads to full text provided by Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes
