The University Archives at Butler University houses all physical copies of the University’s student theses, including both graduate and undergraduate works. Select digital copies—which include most contemporary, copyright-cleared, and public-domain theses—are available below.
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Theses/Dissertations from 1927
A Study in the Literature of the Disciples of Christ, Alfred T. DeGroot
Evolution of Japanese Religious Ideas, Yo Kawamura
Social Aspects of Education Pertaining to Curriculum Construction, George F. Leonard
The Bearing of Nationalism upon the Indian Church, Helen M. Nicholson
A Sociological Study of the Indian Caste System, George H. Singh
Adolescence in Recent Fiction, Sarah T. Sisson
Characteristic Traits of the Disciplinary and Truancy Case in the Public School, Clara B. Thormyer
The Rise and Development of the Papacy, Kenneth E. Thorne
Theses/Dissertations from 1926
The Emergence of a Congo Church, H. C. Hobgood
The First Nomination of Benjamin Harrison for the Presidency, Paul M. Ross
Social Service in the Public Schools, Elizabeth R. Witt
Theses/Dissertations from 1925
Chinese Secondary Education, Pao H. Mao
High School Enrollment and Costs, Ellen K. Ocker
Rural Education in India, Lalit K. Shah
Theses/Dissertations from 1924
Protestantism In China, Yaotong C. Lee
The Slidell Mission to Mexico, John H. Walker
Theses/Dissertations from 1916
The Diplomatic relations between China and Japan since Russo-Japanese War, Yu M. Chen
Theses/Dissertations from 1914
The Social Conditions of the People of India in the Time of the Mahabharata, Orah F. Haight
Theses/Dissertations from 1911
Ethical and religious values in Lotze's philosophy, John Wesley Burkhardt
The Mystic Vision, Charles O. Lee
Theses/Dissertations from 1910
A survey of the Roman Catholic Church within the United States, Carl Burkhart
Theses/Dissertations from 1907
Evidences of the Divinity of Jesus: As Recorded in the Gospel of John, Shelley D. Watts
Theses/Dissertations from 1906
Embryology and Evolution, Malo Marius Amunson
The History of the Pharises, George Watson Hemry
Theses/Dissertations from 1904
A Thesis on the Fragment of the Gospel of Peter, Verle Wilson Blair
Theses/Dissertations from 1900
Slavery, Willis M. Blount
A study of Aphrodite in Greek sculpture, Jessie Christian Brown
Apostolos, Edgar Fay Daugherty
Paul's Theology in the Galatian Letter, Elvet Eugene Moorman
Theses/Dissertations from 1897
A Grammatical, Lexical, Exgetical, and General Treatise on the First Epistle General of John, John Wilbert Barnett
Significance of figures in Hawthorne, Lulu Brevoort
The Ideal Woman as She Is Represented by the Best English Writers from Chaucer's Time to the Present, Emma C. Stradling
Theses/Dissertations from 1895
The Miracles of Jesus, John Wilbert Barnett
French and German translations of Shakespeare, May Brayton
Topographical Surveying, Nelson D. Brayton
The Hebrew and Greek words expressing forgiveness critically examined, George Green Bruer
Matthew 5:3:16 Philologically and Theologically Considered, George E. Hicks
Theses/Dissertations from 1894
The Alcohols, Charles E. Baker
The Particles in Luke, John Wilbert Barnett
The Jewish Sacrifices, E. W. Brickert
The Poet, Spenser, Frances M. Perry
Theses/Dissertations from 1887
Mood and Tense in Genesis, Mary Edna Arnold
Lowell's Poems: Analysis, E. P. Wise