The University Archives at Butler University houses all physical copies of the University’s student theses, including both graduate and undergraduate works. Select digital copies—which include most contemporary, copyright-cleared, and public-domain theses—are available below.
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Theses/Dissertations from 1952
A Project in Pre-Service Training for Church School Teachers, Fannie M. Bennett
Problems and Progress in the Development of Girls' Education in India, Rozaline Jean Cleaveland
Theses/Dissertations from 1951
An Investigation of Certain Aspects of Human Figure Drawings as a Measure of Sociability of the Person, Vincent Boone Alig
The Kingdom of God Reflected in the Gospels, Donald George Ashton
An Objective Study of II Peter, Maurice E. Beery
A Critical Study of the Colossian Epistle, Vernon Bowers
Indiana Migrants: An Open Door for the Church, William Jesse Briggs Jr.
History of the Indiana State School for the Blind, Elizabeth M. Wishard
Theses/Dissertations from 1950
The Influence of the Hebrew-Jewish Wisdom Literature upon the Gospels, Robert Allen Byerly
A Critique in the Field of Certain Problems Involved in Relating Missions to the Church, Martin Bailey Clark
A Study of Edwin Arlington Robinson with Special Attention to His Shorter Poems, Lucile Willowby
Theses/Dissertations from 1949
Milton's Adherence to Aristotle's "Antient Rule" in the Composition of Samson Agonistes, Louise Balay
A Study of Latin Words in the Greek New Testament, Esther Laverne Benjamin
The Relevance of the Ecumenical Movement of the New Testament Church, Robert E. Black
An Evaluation of High School Chorus Materials, Albert Wilson Canine
The Place of Music in the Religious Education of Children, Naomi Frances Canine
The Communion: A Psychological Examination, Walter H. Coburn
Present Emphases in Christian Education, Burt E. Coody
A Study of Willa Cather: Her Novels and Short Stories, Grace M. Curry
A History of the Indiana State School for the Deaf, Windell W. Fewell
The Adequacy of Music Theory in the High School as Applied to Collegiate Music Study, Esther M. Garretson
A Comparison of the Status of Music, Home Economics, and Agriculture in the Secondary Schools of Indiana, Reba Marree Geist
The Minnesota Clerical Test as a Measure of Piano Aptitude, Helen Ferrell Harlan
Evidence of Religious Practices in the Tragedies of Eurpides, Jeanette Emmaline Hawk
An Experiment in Cooperative Creative Living with Young Children, Mary Muriel Hobson
A Comparative Study of Clarinet Intonation, Claude Verne Jacobs
History and Backgrounds of Manhattan Bible College, Daniel Thomas Johnson
"Non-Musical" Interests and Abilities of Students of Arthur Jordan Conservatory of Music, Nellie Jones
A History of Greensburg High School Greensburg, Indiana, Lucy L. Lehman
The Philosophy of Paul, Julian B. Linkous
A Statistical Survey of Beginning Wind Instrumental Methods, Paul H. Patterson
'Memory' As it Tends to Operate in Piano Study, Esther Schinbeckler
The Status of Primary Music in the Schools of Indiana, Elizabeth Schwier
Theses/Dissertations from 1948
Imagery in the Poetry of Langston Hughes, Maple Louise Allen
Aspects of the Oecumenical Dilemna, William G. Baker
John H. Holliday: Editor Indianapolis News 1869-1877, John T. Barnett
Gerard Manley Hopkins: Sacramentalist and Incarnationist, Helen V. Barry
Christian Education in the Family, Myrna I. Bertels
Major Aspects of Pauline Eschatology, Martin G. Bohn
The Effects of the Corporate Refinancings of 1936 and 1946 on the Net Income of the Indianapolis Water Company, John Frederick Bowers
A Survey of Practices and Procedures in Textbook Adoptions, Ross T. Campbell
Is the Veteran a Better Student Than He Was a Civilian?, Richard E. Emery
Quotations from the Septuagint in the Synoptic Gospels, Albert H. Fauth
A Study of Current Evangelism among the Christian Churches, Medford Jones
The Psychology of Action Applied to Works and Faith, William Harold Neeriemer
The Psychology of Religious Edification as Applied to Children, Hazel Alta Oliver
Factors in Escape--A Sociological Study Based on Escapes from the Indiana Boys' School, Joseph C. Ramsey
Theses/Dissertations from 1947
A Comparison of the Seventh and Eighth Grade American History Textbooks Adopted for use in the Indiana Public Schools from 1854 to 1946, Edythe Dale Atkins
The Indiana Department of Commerce and Public Relations, Edna-Mae Ross
Theses/Dissertations from 1946
A History of the Illinois High School Athletic Association and its Relationship to the Public High School, Wilbur N. Allen
The Old Testament Idea of Holiness, John William Lambert
A Study of the Theology of Dr. John Thomas, Founder of the Christadelphians, William Lester Thompson
Theses/Dissertations from 1945
The Noble Brothers and Early Public Improvements in Indiana, Ruth Esther Amos
The Changing Attitudes Toward Consonance and Dissonance In Various Historical Periods, Edith H. Carter
The Contribution of Peter Ainslie to the Ecumenical Movement, John Weeden Douglas
The Christian Missionary Society: A Study in the Influence of Slavery on the Disciples of Christ, Eileen Gordon Vandegrift
Theses/Dissertations from 1944
The Influence of Machiavelli on Francis Bacon: A Critical Examination, Blanche E. Ferguson
Conrad Baker, Former Governor of Indiana, Arnold Ernst R. Muelller
Theses/Dissertations from 1943
The All-Canada Movement of the Churches of Christ in Canada, Duncan D. McColl
Marriage Trends in Madison County, Indiana 1899 to 1942, Leona Bernice Nelson
The History of the Negro Church in Indianapolis, Sarah Parham Zeigler
Theses/Dissertations from 1942
A Study of Paul's Mystical Experiences, Carl Franklin Andry
The Place of the Tithe in New Testament Stewardship, Richard Edward Banks
Educational Shortages in the Bookkeeping Courses of Study in the Indianapolis Public High Schools in 1942, William Stover Barnhart
Prayer in the Life of Jesus, Harold Glen Brown
An Analysis of Spelling and Language Errors in the Achievement Tests of the Marion County Achievement Contest, Edyth Cunter Burdin
History of Education in Rush County, Paul Carmack
From Justice to Justification, John Burdette Charles
The Public Career of Joseph Lane, Marjorie Phyllis Forsyth
The Pauline Concept of the New Man, Clarence William Franz
A Comparison of Institutional Children and Children from Natural Homes in the Same Public School, Helen Frick
The Person and the Work of the Holy Spirit, Stewart William Hartfelter
A Critical Examination of the Hebrew Word [ruach] as it Occurs in the Masorectic text of the Old Testament Studied in the Light of the Septuagint, Donald L. Hoffman
The Educational Facilities for Crippled Children in Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan and Ohio, Newell E. Hulvershorn
A Century of Lutheran Elementary Schools in Indiana, William J. Kirchhoff
A Brief History of the Teaching of Home Economics in the Public Schools of the United States, Elizabeth Randolph
The Intellect of Christ, Francis O. Reisinger
The Catholic Church in Southern Indiana, Mary Carol Schroeder O.S.F
The Business of Life Insurance Among Negroes, Samuel Southern
An Investigation of the Musical Instruments Mentioned in the Massoretic Text, Kenneth A. Stewart
A Study of Suggestion with Particular Reference to its Therapeutic Value and Use for the Pastor, John Alfred Tyrrell-Baxter
A History of Moores Hill College, Omer E. Warneke
Theses/Dissertations from 1941
A Comparative Study of Non-Recidivists and Recidivists at the Indiana Boys' School, Florence B. Angell
The Development of a Reading Readiness Program in the Kokomo Public Schools, Susan M. Baldwin
Some Eschatological Views of the Fate of the Wicked in Human History, Ormonde Stanly Brown
The Individual and the Kingdom of God, Frederic A. Chandler
The Importance, Influence, and Continuity of Bronte Juvenilia in Reference to the Mature Works, Thelma Lucile Cooley
The History of the Indiana Farm Bureau Cooperative Association, Dudley Diggs Davis
A Study in the Psychology of Religious Sentiment, Wm. Linton Davis
The Increase in Rates, Amounts, and Complexity of the Federal Income Tax and the Importance of Accounting, Frank R. Demmerly
Home Economics Workbook for Seventh and Eighth Grades, Ruth Bernd Emhardt
A Psychological Approach to Christian Marriage, Francis L. Getz
An Analysis of Thomas Traherne's Centuries of Meditations, Sue Guthridge
An Analysis of the Christian Conception of the Life Beyond the Grave, Arthur Norman Hinrichsen
Trends in the Teaching of United States History in the Elementary Schools Grades I to VI, Alma Hoss
Positivism in the Works of George Eliot, Bernice Jones
Lutheran Elementary Schools in the Central District of the Missouri Synod, Edwin L. Kirchhoff
Experimental Studies in Junior High School Monotonism, Lina Baldauf Knight
The Personal Element in Jane Austen's Treatment of Her Heroines, Mary Elizabeth Lawshe