About This Journal | Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies | Butler University

About This Journal

The Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies is published annually by the Society for Hindu-Christian Studies, a scholarly society dedicated to the study of Hinduism and Christianity and their interrelationships. Through its annual meetings and the journal, the society seeks to create a forum for the presentation of historical research and studies of contemporary practice, for the fostering of dialogue and interreligious conversation, carried forward in a spirit of openness, respect and true inquiry.

The society was founded in November 1994 as a logical extension to the dialogue and scholarship being carried on in the Hindu-Christian Studies Bulletin, which first appeared in 1988 under its founding editor, Dr. Harold Coward. Beginning in 2004, the Hindu-Christian Studies Bulletin became the Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies.

The aim of the journal is to create a worldwide forum for the presentation of Hindu-Christian scholarly studies, book reviews, and news of relevant past and upcoming events. Materials selected for publication will be balanced between historical research and contemporary practice and, where possible, will employ analytical and theoretical analysis set within the context of our shared contemporary experience. Contributions are invited and may be submitted here or e-mailed directly to the editors. Articles of roughly 4000 words are preferred, though occasionally shorter or longer pieces will be published. See Policies for Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies for style guidelines. The journal adopts a policy of non-gender-specific language where applicable. All articles are subject to review before acceptance and may be edited in the course of publication.

Discoverability and Preservation

  • The Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies is included in the world's major library catalogs and databases: OCLC Worldcat, ProQuest's Summon, Ex Libris's Primo, and EBSCO Discovery.
  • The journal is indexed in the ATLA Religion Database, published by the American Theological Library Association.
  • The entire run of the journal is preserved in the two leading preservation archives, CLOCKSS and Portico, which guarantee persistent access for the very long term.
  • Every article has its own Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from the CrossRef organization, providing a permanent and reliable link for citation, sharing, and discovery.

Subscription Information

Back issues are available for free download. The most recent two volumes are embargoed and available here only to subscribers (click here to subscribe). Subscribing institutions can get access for those on their network by supplying their institution's IP range. Individuals living and working in India can request a password for free access to the embargoed volumes by contacting the Internet Edition Editor, Chad Bauman.

Anyone can subscribe to the journal, whether they are a member of the society or not. However, society membership is an automatic benefit of all paid journal subscriptions for individuals who meet the eligibility requirements; conversely, the only way to become a member of the society is to purchase a paid subscription to the journal. While those who live in South Asia can register here for a free journal subscription, therefore, if they seek to participate formally as members of the Society they should register instead for one of the paid journal subscription options.

Eligibility for membership: Members of the society must be scholars with terminal degrees in related academic disciplines (e.g., religious studies, theology, South Asia area studies) researching and/or teaching in the field of Hindu-Christian studies, or students enrolled in graduate programs in relevant disciplines. (Other individuals, such as clergy or pandits with scholarly training, may be permitted to become members at the discretion of the society's board.)

Privileges of membership: While the society’s annual meetings are open to all who have registered, only society members may vote in society elections and on other society matters at the annual meeting.

Special subscriptions: Please consider our multi-year, lifetime, and supporting subscription options. These subscriptions also confer society membership to those who are eligible.

As of 2022, the Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies has decided to cease offering print subscriptions beyond 2022.

To subscribe to the journal, or to become a member of the society, click here.

Digital Journal Subscription
Individuals located in South Asia Free
Individuals located outside South Asia $30
Individuals, supporting membership* $130
Institutions located in South Asia Free
Institutions located outside of South Asia $60
Individuals 3-year, discounted rate $80 ($10 savings)
Institutional 3-year, discounted rate $165 ($15 savings)
Lifetime Individual** $500

* Supporting members will be listed and thanked in each year’s issue of the Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies.

**Lifetime memberships/subscriptions can of course only be guaranteed so long as the society endures and so long as the Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies continues to be published.