Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies: Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

Final Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies

This document provides details on typesetting and layout requirements pertaining to final manuscript submission to Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies.

Formatting Requirements

  • Articles: Maximum 4000 words including notes (unless different length discussed with editor)
  • Book Reviews: roughly 1000 words

Electronic copy should be submitted containing only minimal formatting. Avoid headers and spacers, and make all the notes endnotes, not footnotes. You may include section titles, if you’d like. In general a simple text with paragraph indentations plus endnotes is preferred.

Fonts/Diacritics: Manuscripts must be submitted in Word (.doc) or Rich Text (.rtf) format. In preparing your manuscript, we ask you to use a Unicode font, especially if you are making use of diacritics for Indic languages. Unicode fonts are implemented in the latest versions of Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh. Other versions are available freely for download (see links below). Most university IT department will provide technical support to help faculty identify, install, and use Unicode fonts. If for some reason you are unable to use a Unicode font, your submission must be accompanied by a PDF printout or hard copy of your file showing clearly the diacritics to be used. Still, if your manuscript is accepted for publication, you may be required to submit a version in a specified font.

Recommended Unicode fonts: The Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies uses unicode fonts for diacritics. A Unicode version of Times New Roman is included in Windows Vista and Windows 7. The fonts listed below, which work for both Windows and Mac, are available for free download.

Gentium Basic / Book Basic:

IndUni Palatino / Times / New Century Schoolbook:

Gandhari Unicode:

Dejavu Serif Unicode:

References: Use endnotes, following the Chicago style for notes. Do not include a bibliography. In subsequent references to the same work, use: author’s family name (ed. or transl.), shortened title, no/s. If immediately subsequent, use Ibid, no/s (and if the same page, just Ibid.)

For Example:

  • First reference: David Kinsley, Hinduism (Eaglewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1982), 19-20.
  • Subsequent references: Kinsley, Hinduism, 19-20.
  • First reference: Klaus Klostermaier, "Will India's Past Be America's Future?" Journal of Asian and African Studies 15, no. 2 (1980): 94-103.
  • Subsequent references: Klostermaier, "Will India’s Past," 99.

Deadline: JHCS produces one issue per year, and generally goes to press in September. For consideration in the same year, articles should be received by March, preferably earlier.

All articles are subject to review before publication and may receive editorial modifications in the course of publication. The Journal adopts a policy of non-gender-specific language.