Editor's Introduction
Bradley Malkovsky
A Retrospective of Hindu-Christian Studies: Establishment of the Journal and Formation of the Society
Harold Coward
Nine More- or Less-related Observations on Historical Approaches to Hindu-Christian Studies
Brian K. Pennington
The Role of Ethics in Hindu-Christian Dialogue
Arvind Sharma
Missionary Views of Hinduism
Catherine Cornille
Comparative Theology, Comparative Religion, and Hindu-Christian Studies: Ethnography as Method
Kristin Bloomer
In Memoriam: Selva J. Raj (1952-2008)
Corinne Dempsey
Book Review: "Christian Inculturation in India"
Corinne Dempsey
Book Review: "The History of the Holy Servants of the Lord Siva: A Translation of the Periya Puranam of Cekkilar"
M. Thomas Thangaraj
Book Review: "Bourgeois Hinduism, Or the Faith of the Modern Vedantists"
Brian K. Pennington
Book Review: "Song Divine: Christian Commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita"
Michael T. McLaughlin
Book Review: "Loving God: Krsna and Christ, A Christian Commentary on the Narada Sutras"
Lance E. Nelson
Book Review: "Christ Across the Ganges: Hindu Responses to Jesus"
Bradley Malkovsky