Editor’s Introduction
Bradley Malkovsky
On the Scholar’s Contribution to the Contemplative Work of Hindu-Christian Studies
Francis X. Clooney
Interiority and Connectivity: A Brief Comparative Study on the Relation of Scripture and Contemplation in Bridal Mysticism and Krishna Bhakti
Graham M. Schweig
Between and Beyond Canons: Mirabai and Hadewijch in Relation to Scripture and the Self
Holly Hillgardner
Violence against Christians in India: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Two Indian English Newspapers
Clemens Cavallin and Julia Kuhlin
Angels and Gods: A (Radically) Orthodox Experiment
Daniel P. Sheridan
Viewpoint: Convenience, Consumption and Creatureliness: Thoughts on Sacred Groves, Hindu and Christian
Eliza F. Kent
Book Review: The Ethics of Śaṅkara and Śāntideva: A Selfless Response to an Illusory World.
Reid B. Locklin
Book Review: His Hiding Place is Darkness: A Hindu-Catholic Theopoetics of Divine Absence.
Rico G. Monge
Book Review: Hindu Theology and Biology. The Bhāgavata Purāṇa and Contemporary Theory.
Ana Laura Funes Maderey
Book Review: Anthony deMello: The Happy Wanderer.
Roselle M. Gonsalves