Discussion of Nathaniel Roberts, To Be Cared For: The Power of Conversion and Foreignness of Belonging to An Indian Slum.
Editor’s Introduction
Gopal Gupta
Response to Sarbeswar Sahoo and Eliza Kent
Nathaniel Roberts
On Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Insistence that“‘Christ’ came from ‘Krishna.’”
Ronald V. Huggins
The Virtues of Comparative Theology
Daniel J. Soars
2019 Annual Meeting Sessions
Society of Hindu-Christian Studies
Book Review: Possessed by the Virgin: Hinduism, Roman Catholicism, and Marian Possession in South India
Claire C. Robison
Book Review: Hagiography and Religious Truth: Case Studies in the Abrahamic and Dharmic Traditions
Jon Paul Sydnor
Book Review: Keshab: Bengal’s Forgotten Prophet
Edward T. Ulrich
Book Review: Learning Interreligiously: In the Text, In the World
Michelle Voss Roberts
Book Review: Infinite Paths to Infinite Reality: Sri Ramakrishna & Cross-Cultural Philosophy of Religion
Patrick Beldio
Book Review: Heathen, Hindoo, Hindu: American Representations of India, 1721-1893
Jeffrey M. Brackett
Book Review: Privileged Minorities: Syrian Christianity, Gender, and Minority Rights in Postcolonial India
Arun W. Jones
Volume 32, Full Contents
JHCS Staff