Table of Contents
JHCS Staff
Editor’s Introduction
Gopal Gupta
A Natural Dialogue Partner: Sri Ramakrishna’s Anekānta–VijñānaVedānta and Claim to Avatārhood as a Resource for Hindu-Christian Studies
Jeffery D. Long
Sacrifice, Suffering, and Salvation: A Brief Aesthetic and Theological Comparative Analysis of Two Great Symbolic Images of Divine Love
Graham M. Schweig
Constructing a Hindu Black Theology
Akshay Gupta
Viewpoint: Vaishnavism: Monotheistic or Not?
Steven J. Rosen (Satyaraja Dasa)
2021 Annual Meetings Sessions
Society for Hindu-Christian Studies
Book Review: The Water of the Drop: Fragments from Panikkar Diaries. By Raimon Panikkar
Enrico Beltramini
Book Review: Essays in Hindu Theology. By Anantanand Rambachan
Julius J. Lipner
Book Review: The European Encounter with Hinduism in India. By Jan Peter Schouten and translated by Henry Jansen
James Elisha Taneti
Book Review: Songs as Locus for a Lay Theology: Moshe Walsalam Sastriyar and Sadhu Kochukunju Upadeshi. By Philip K. Mathai
Peter Vethanayagamony
Book Review: The Ethics of Oneness: Emerson, Whitman, and the Bhagavad Gita . By Jeremy David Engels
Shawn Welch
Book Review: Untouchable Bodies, Resistance, and Liberation: A Comparative Theology of Divine Possessions. By Joshua Samuel
Michelle Voss Roberts
Volume 34, Full Contents
JHCS Staff