R. de Nobili a Forerunner of Hindu-Christian Dialogue
Richard DeSmet
Translating, Teaching, Conversing: A Reflection in Response to the Essays of Richard DeSmet and John Carman
Francis X. Clooney
Response to John Carman
Dennis Hudson
Viewpoints: Art and Architecture as Locus for Dialogue: Inter-Religious Dialogue Through Art
Caroline MacKenzie
Book Reviews: "The Yoga of the Christ in the Gospel According to St. John"
David J. Hawkin and Bibhuti S. Yadav
Book Review: "Neo-Hindu Views of Christianity"
Ronald Neufeldt
Book Review: "A New Look at Aurobindo"
Harold Coward
Reports and Interviews: Abhishiktananda Society: Retreat--Seminar: Mysticism -- Saiva and Christian: Rajpur, India November 1-6, 1990
C. Murray Rogers
Reports and Interviews: Interview with Mr. Subramanian
Anand Amaladass