Harold Coward
Four Responses to Prof. Dharampal's "Bharatiya Chitta Manas and Kala"
Francis X. Clooney
The Nature and Authority of Scripture: Implications for Hindu-Christian Dialogue
Anantanand Rambachan
Viewpoints: A New Millennium - Nearly!
C. Murray Rogers
Viewpoints: Two Nationalist Poets on Jesus Christ
Prema Nandakumar
Book Review: "Mother of the Universe: Visions of the Goddess and Tantric Hymns of Enlightenment"
Arti Dand
Book Review: "Theo-Monistic Mysticism: A Hindu-Christian Comparison"
Anantanand Rambachan
Book Review: "Women of Power and Grace: Nine Astonishing, Inspiring Luminaries of our Time"
Heather Botting
Book Review: "Monastic Life in the Christian and Hindu Traditions: A Comparative Study"
Harold Coward