Manuscripts—or MSS, as it was called in the beginning—published its first volume in the fall of 1933. The then quarterly magazine which featured almost entirely written work with a few woodblock prints, sold for 15 cents a copy.
Since the first issue, Manuscripts has published over a hundred issues and has evolved into the free, annual, and award-winning magazine that publishes the work of Butler students each year. Starting the fall of 2014, Manuscripts is accepting submissions from any Indiana undergraduate students.
Current Issue: Volume 86, Issue 1 (2021)
Front Matter
Manuscripts Staff
So Says the Busboy
Macy Kent
Message in a Muse
Alexis Bloom
Fool’s Gold
David Chadburn
From the Shower Floor
Angelina Butters
Garden of Secrets
Angelina Butters
America, the Pinnacle
Micah Horne
Hoax of a Climate Arsonist
Marina Gil
Food Vendor in a Strip Mall
Brian Clow
David Chadburn
Who Says My Hand a Needle Better Fit
Emily Schlorf
When We Read in Bed
Erin Morrisey
Butler Writers
Manuscripts Staff
October Saturdays
Rebecca Piñero
In My Head
Madi Foley
Nightmare Season
Cecilia Januszewski
To Grieve the Living
Kat Sandefer
Rock Concert
David Chadburn
Check All that Apply
Sierra White
American Sonnet for the College Student
Zoe Hanquier
In the Street
Lilly Hinckley
Subject: Are We Done Yet?
Michelle Reed
The Fellow
Emma Biddle
We Were Witches Once
Elliott Robinson
My Favorite Smell is Fire
Darby Brown
My Mother’s Perfume
Miriam Berne
Spring Cleaning
Grace Calabria
Back Matter
Manuscripts Staff
Volume 86, Issue 2: Full Issue
Manuscripts Staff
![Cover of Volume 86 Issue 1 of Manuscripts](../assets/md5images/15ec9d979d963a71be02a5165b58c40e.gif)